Based in the "true" capital of Canada, I muse about language and literature, occasionally play piano, and regard the public warily. On my spare time, I'll also work on my thesis, and combat ignorance via private tutoring.
Below is an incomplete list of words I might use without prior explanation:
Anime (アニメ), n. Curious case of re-borrowed vocabulary; original English "animation" shortened to "anime" in Japanese, and lent again into English to denote Japanese cartoons and animated shows. Frell, intj. Substitute for a ruder word of similar sound. "Frell" was acquired from Australia's hit sci-fi series, Farscape. Personally, I found this to be a brilliant alternative of television censorship. HS, n. High School (for me, that would have been gr. 9-13, or ages 14-18).
Japanesque, adj. Resembling Japanese style or sentiment without necessarily being authentically Japanese. According to the OED, this word has been around since 1883 (and seems to have died around the same time).
Manga (漫画), n. Literally, "rambling picture". OED defines it as a Japanese genre of [still] cartoons and comic books. OATUS, adv. (rare) "On a totally unrelated subject". A personal texting innovation by the author of this blog.
PIE (Proto-Indo-European), n. The hypothetical reconstructed language, from which all modern European and Indian languages developed.
Scanlation, n. Blend between "scan" and "translation". Denotes the (legally questionable) practice and production of scanning manga, and translating it online for no cost. Among scanlators, there seems to be a common etiquette of removing scanlations of officially liscenced works in North America. Sesqui-, prefix "One and a half" e.g.: sesquicentury = 150 years sesquicentimeter = 1.5 cm sesquipedalian = long-worded (lit. 1.5 feet)
SLA (Second Language Acquisition), n. The study of learning second languages (ie, any language in addition to the one already spoken by the learner).
Wapanese, n. A blend between "wannabe" and "Japanese", derogatorily used towards caucasian males who place greater importance/interest in Japanese products and culture than their own. More commonly, the avid watcher of Japanese anime, and reader of Japanese manga.